If you can't say something nice, at least make it funny!

Thanks for visiting Tinfoil Magnolia, a blog about my life, times, marriage, friendships and all the strange things that happen to me and with me. I hope you find something here that will encourage you, inspire you or at the least entertain you. And if it doesn't today, check back tomorrow because, my life? honestly...

Sunday, July 14


Today's post is for Stream of Consciousness Sunday over at Jana's Thinking Place. Join us if you will!

Today is the day. A new week. Begin anew. Reset my brain.

The events of this week have kept me in a state of anger, and I hate being that way. Life isn't just so I have to sit back and watch someone do to me exactly what they accused me of doing.

But from today on it's like it never happened. I am going to forget it and realize there just isn't fairness or justice, particularly when you are dealing with irrational people. The only satisfaction I have is to know that this person will still be angry and stewing over it and I will have moved on. Starting now.

I'm feeling the effects of the weight gain I've had over the past 6 months. 25 pounds. I need to lose about 80, but at least if I could get where I was last summer I know the foot pain, hip pain and back pain will go away, as will the body issues I've been suffering of late because every item of clothing is too small.

I don't need to be skinny, skinny is overrated and I like my full figure. But I do have a very generous number in mind where I'd like to be and I know I can make it. But it's not going to happen with diet and exercise, that's been proven to me. There's more than that going on in this body and the first step is to figure that out, then move on from there.

Monday, July 8

What the eff

I don't enjoy using this blog as an outlet for my negativity. Really I don't. But sometimes things happen, people are so unreasonably stupid, it's impossible to be ok with it. For me, it's impossible to think of anything else.

You know, I am not going to lie. I do and say things. A. Lot. of things. That could piss people off. Sometimes intentionally, usually unintentionally-only because I am just not that wiley.

But when someone who is rude to me turns it around and goes not just to my boss but my boss's boss? That my friends. Is effed. Up.

Someone who was rude to me is trying to get me fired and saying I'm rude to her. Great.

Sunday, July 7


Tagging on to JanaA's Stream of Consciousness Sunday.

Because the holiday was on Thursday, my newspaper/work deadline was Monday rather than Tuesday. So I just started the week off with a day missing. Then I was off work on vacation the remainder of the week, which made every day feel like a Saturday.

This week, though, since I was off last week my Monday is going to be rough. I will have 4 days worth of work to get done in one day. Talk about the Mondayest of Mondays!!! I'm glad I have an intern for the next few weeks to help me out or I'd never make it.

The time off was awesome, though. Even though it was only 3 days, it's the most consecutive time off I've taken in a long time. Months. It's good to unwind.

Thursday night around 10 p.m., however, someone I know just HAD to send me a text and complain about her little league tournament and why didn't we have anything in the paper and we are not being "pro community" or working for the kids. This despite the fact that we had already made plans to have pictures and stories in the upcoming paper, and the tournament was still going on when our Monday deadline came!

****Getting that call on Thursday night ruined the next two days of my vacation because I kept getting angry about it. Now I'm irritated at her and myself for stealing my vacation.******